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- /* This is my second Arexx Program.
- DestySoft 1990 - For C-NET Amiga! (DNK Software)
- Written July 20 - 1990 by: Prince Desty
- BONUS is the Time They Win ITEMS is how many Lottery Numbers
- to choose from.
- Last Update on Sept. 8th, 1990 by Desty!
- color update on febuary 29th, 1992
- Hey,it's time to put this in the C-NET AmiNet Archives.
- Now I'm known as DangerX Contact me at copycats@uconect.net
- I have quite a bit of Arexx stuff that I'll be uploading over time as
- I upgrade it to 3.05c C-NET compatible.
- -DangerX August 1996
- This Program is 100% free to be used. It may not be modified and re-released
- under any other name. If you wish to incorporate it onto a CD Collection
- You have my Approval.
- */
- Options results
- bufferflush
- signal on ioerr
- signal on error
- signal on syntax
- /* Sysop Defineable Variables */
- bonus = 30 /* Amount of time they will win in minutes */
- Items = 44 /* How many numbers are there? ie. 1 in 44 */
- /* end of Definable Variables */
- getuser 19
- cls = d2c(result)
- getuser 1
- username = result
- rum = RANDOM(1,items,time('s'))
- transmit 'z5c3 ** The Lottery Wheel ** z0'
- Transmit 'c2n1Win BIG, Gain Extra BBS time! Bonus of 'BONUS' Minutes!'
- transmit 'c2 there is a 1 in 'items' Chance of Winning!'
- sendstring 'n1c7Do you Wish to Spin The Wheel? c2<y/n>:c3 '
- bufferflush
- getchar
- yn = upper(result)
- if yn == 'Y' then call play
- sendstring 'No!'
- call quit
- play:
- sendstring 'Yes!'
- transmit ' '
- play1:
- transmit ' '
- query 'c5Enter a Number from 1-'items':c3'
- ans = result
- if left(ans,1)="#" then signal QUIT
- if ans<1 then call play1
- if ans>items then call play1
- xx='h0'
- transmit ' '
- sendstring ' c3Spinning The Wheel.....s2'
- do i = 1 to 10
- rum = random(1,items,time('s'))
- sendstring xx
- if rum >0 then xx='h1'
- if rum >9 then xx='h2'
- if rum >99 then xx='h3'
- sendstring rum
- end
- if ans == rum then call win
- transmit 's0n1c6Sorry the number wasc1 'rum
- transmit 'c7[Any Key]g0h9h1'
- call quit
- quit:
- shutdown
- exit
- win:
- transmit 'n1 '
- transmit 'c7You Won!'
- transmit 'c2Adding c3'bonus' c7Minutes to your time!'
- addtime bonus
- call quit
- ioerr:
- syntax:
- error:
- transmit "*BOOM* the Program just broke on line "Sigl